Thursday, May 21, 2015

Water Usage

1) I found the documentary to be very shocking with all of the things that are going on with privatization of water in countries which these companies are ruining. By making hard for the people to get access to water and in some cases making them now pay for water that should be free. I am going to be honest it kind of made me mad to know that theses companies are making so many people lives more difficult then they already are. 

2) Well Nicaragua's water is very polluted it is untreated, they don't have any water systems where they can have clean water or easy access to the water. This is a big issue because the water is being contaminated with industrial waste and millions of people are drinking this water are many become sick and die. 
Here are some other concerns; "No single agency responsible for management of water resources; Lack of waste-water collection and treatment, and proper solid waste disposal; Poor water resources management; Lack of adequate data needed to make informed decisions; Poor irrigation supply network leading to underdevelopment of sector; Rapid growth in urban areas increasing demand beyond system capacity."

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