Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Shield: is built almost entirely of fluid lava flow.  One example of this is Kilauea another one is ertale. They are highly fluid lava than the other ones. They erupt gently. Formed from the fluidly lava. The impact of them to humans is not a threat but it causes damage to agriculture and infrastructure. 

Composite: hardened lava tephra pumisevand volcanic ash this is how it forms. Some famous examples are Vesuvius, Etna and unzen. Lava that is associated with it is viscous lava so in other words blocky. They erupt explosively. It can cause climatic effects, throws out acidic ash, cause volcanic bombs. 
Cinder cones: They consist of loose pyroclastic debris and volcanic ash. Some famous volcanos are Crater, Holocene and mount Mazama. This type of volcano has a explosive eruption. It can cause harm towards the biosphere by affecting plants and animals and humans thought the ash and gases. 

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